TikTok’s Going After Long Form Content?

Mar 14, 2023

Longer-Form Videos Now Means More Mulah

TikTok recently announced that they’re rolling out a beta ‘series’ feature to creators that allows them to put longer-form content behind a paywall.

Housing content up to twenty minutes long, creators can charge followers and viewers for special content, asking anywhere from $0.99-189.99 per video. All revenue will go to the creators during the beta period.


Why is this interesting? Most creators and brands are trying to get viewers to leave TikTok to then make a purchase in their ecosystem. For course creators or entertainers with specialized content offerings, this could allow them to maximize their results by housing longer-form content on the platform. Less clicks means less bounce back. And that could mean more money.

As always, TBD how this will play out, but given that TikTok generated more in-app purchases than Instagram, Snap or Facebook) in Q4, there’s a potential for this to be a lucrative play for some creators.


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We know it can seem easy to get hundreds of millions of views if you’re a cat or living in an America’s Funniest Home Video. But what about service-based content?

This video racked up over 14 million views in just a week, and had no music, no gimmicks, and not a cat in sight!

What worked?

Right away, we’re bought in from the caption, “Do as the rich do.” This creates a curiosity gap. What do the rich do? He also reinforces this curiosity with the opening title on his video, “Don’t EVER let your parents give you their house.”

Your takeaway: What common misbelief in your industry can you dispel? How can you set up that hook at the very beginning of the video to generate curiosity in your target audience?

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